Saturday, 5 November 2011

Day three of our diet

Happy Sunday!

Well I thought I would spend a few words updating the diet log! I must say in terms of hunger and cravings things are going well. Stuck to it well and tried my hand at a gorgeous Asian inspired soup last night. It was fun to make and uses so many ingredients I have never even attempted to buy let alone use so I was quite chuffed with myself! My partner was happy and is excited about my new culinary adventure spirit:)

I have been getting over flu though so was feeling very run down yesturday and had a headache that persisted all day! They do say that as your body starts dipping into fat reserves you will initially feel lethargic and have headaches so wrote it off as normal and am happy to note that I am full of beans today health wise. Taking it easy though due to healing from illness but the motivation levels are still high! Had an orange with my breakfast shake and 12 almonds for 10 am snack!

My partner and I took Toby our puppy for a long walk yesturday so that may have also contributed to the whole feeling weak thing! My body has had a bit of a shock I must say but I am confident I will feel better and better the longer I go eating fresh fruit, nuts, protein and veg, limiting my portions and exercising! This is a lifestyle change for me and I really want to start putting the right things into my body! Summer is pretty much here, my new tankini I ordered online is on its way and I am excited to feel good about beach trips, swimming and lapping up the beautiful Melbourne summer!
Enjoy the last day of the weekend!

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