Monday, 5 December 2011

Who turned the water off??

Well I thought I would write a blog in eager anticipation for the water to be turned back on! Hair up, new razor blade inserted to my razer, rearing to go and get clean and bloody water comes out! We have no clue why and I am now feeling really thirsty thinking about the prospect of no water in the taps!

It got me thinking about how much we can take things for granted! How some people don't have this luxury of running water, electricity and sanitation. It breaks my heart really, especially when they put those adverts on tv about the children who walk 8 hours for water everyday and have to pray they don't get attacked by wild animals etc. I have been known to shed a tear. Here I am, really peeved about my lack of shower!

I haven't written for a while I know. Things have been very up and down for me and I feel bad blogging when I can't keep up with emails and other things! I have been quite busy too, with what, who knows. Life has a funny way of moving on and you get thrust into it all, esp at Christmas time (I love this time of year). I am trying to put together stockings for the family, the big Christmas menu which I am in charge of by choice, got to send off Christmas cards, buy gifts and I have just been to one of my arts and crafts groups and made a love wreath! I have also baked excessive amounts of cookies with my new Christmas cookie cutters:) Not because I am a glutten but because it is really fun and a great activity to do with kids (I babysit a 4 year old and occasionally look after my partners niece). That said, I am a kid at heart and absolutely love baking and getting stuck into cookie dough:)

I think this time of year is bitter sweet for me and it has been tough this year. I always think of my loved ones passed away and get a bit emotional putting up the tree. It is a ritual that I have always loved and keeps me grounded but will never be the same. It is not as if it was a big deal when my mum was alive either, I usually did it on my own while she was at work (she felt it would give me something to do in the holidays) and I was always proud to show her when she got home. I think it is tough because it was always up to me, the decorations were all ours and mostly stuff I had made growing up and it was very sentimental. I am a sentimental person to say the least and I guess it is always a bit touch and go seeing other people's special things go up on trees and not having that for myself. This year I am turning over a new leaf and starting new traditions. My partner and I will be spending our third Christmas together and that is becoming a tradition in itself:) I will be doing all the food, have surprises up my sleeve and plan to drink lots of wine!

Seasons greetings everyone, I hope you feel the love and cheer wherever you are and whomever you are with. The Christmas spirit starts within I reckon! Now, let me go and see if the water is back on grrrrr....

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

A walk to the park

I have really become a fan of taking my puppy Toby down to the park near my place! It is a lovely walk albeit the traffic etc but it's long enough to work you out a bit but short enough to keep you motivated. I take some bread a long to feed the ducks at the lake there and have discovered how much Toby loves swimming:)

I think it is so therapeutic. It reminds me of some mindfulness exercises like yoga or meditation where you clear your mind. That is what is so powerful for me. I don't think. I just watch Toby, look at all the beautiful flowers that are blooming this time of year and I just go! Toby is not the most well behaved creature mind you, despite puppy kinder! I have to constantly make sure he is not wandering into yards, barking at cars and running too far ahead on his new retractable leash (best invention ever, gives him more freedom but you still have control). Bless him, he loves every minute and that is half the fun for me:)

I think with every thing that has been going on with me, I have really taken to this time and space and fresh air. I feel numb a lot of the time because I don't really want to think about things! That said, I cant stop thinking about things so it is a Catch 22. These moments, where I get out into the air, feed the ducks and whatever other duck like creatures come for the bread and watch my beautiful dog having fun, are like gold to me:) Life is a funny thing, I have learn't more than anything that it is about simplicity not wealth, materialism and status. You can find beauty all around you if you take the time to look. To be mindful. To learn to love the pleasure of giving pleasure:) Even if it is to your pet:) I highly recommend this if you are battling with a problem, an emotion or if you just feel a bit stressed or overwhelmed. Wind down and just be. Food for the soul:)


Saturday, 12 November 2011

SAFFA Girl Down Under: Anger - helpful or hindering?

SAFFA Girl Down Under: Anger - helpful or hindering?: Such a powerful emotion don't you think? Anger! In certain emotion focussed theories it is often seen as a secondary emotion to primary emot...

Anger - helpful or hindering?

Such a powerful emotion don't you think? Anger! In certain emotion focussed theories it is often seen as a secondary emotion to primary emotions of hurt, sadness, loneliness etc. The question is, when is anger helpful? I know in my grief it can be a very powerful tool, good and bad. It takes the focus away from pain and you can function to a degree with anger. It is like a fuel, poisonous though it can be, it doesn't cripple you with tears and weakness. It gives you strength, it allows you to project blame and pin point something to focus on. The down side, it often comes out at the smallest things and towards people you are closest to. Not so great.

I think grief is like a swing with emotions. You go through the motions and nothing seems to be censored or is fully pushed aside. You may think you are holding it together only to realise you have been death staring strangers, snapping at people and crying at puppies on adverts. This is because your emotions have to come out. They become fragile and easily set off. I suppose this is similar to some mental illness interestingly enough, where people experience fragile states emotionally and are unable to control them (Borderline Personality Disorder comes to mind here). We all have this to some degree or the other! You seem to regress a bit in grief and battle to control much. I get tearful at the slightest thing at the moment. I also get so irritated! My partners mum, in all her well meaning behaviour, creates a feeling of utter rage in me sometimes. Its not fair I know, but it is just the way it is. I get angry if someone mentions something that triggers pain or memories in me that are hard to bare and instead of feeling sad (which would be appropriate to the thought I had triggered), I feel an overwhelming sense of anger. Again, I wonder about the helpful or hindering qualities of all of this?

I guess you just have to go through the motions or should I say emotions and accept the process. It's not an easy one and perhaps anger is the tool that gets a person through another day! As long as it is a tool and doesn't become a permanent fixture I think it may just have its' place!


Wednesday, 9 November 2011

A true hero

I lost my Mary last night. She has fought harder than anyone I have ever known and if anyone deserves peace and freedom from pain, it would be her. She was a second mother to me and her love has seen me through some of my darkest hours. I lost my own mum nearly 8 years ago and her family took me in and have treated me like another daughter.

Words cannot express what I am feeling right now. My head is spinning with an array of memories, thoughts and I have a sickness in my stomach that is like a great knot of nerves. Such a huge part of my pain is for her family. Her daughter is like a young version of her in so many ways and has one of the hugest hearts I have ever encountered. I hate that she is going through the loss of a mother, it's not fair! I wish I could wrap them all in a pain free blanket and protect them from the pain and hurt that this journey of grief entails. I know this is where we are all in shock. A stage of denial that helps you to survive and get through the hours. People are helpful, time is a daze and you don't fully comprehend the impact of your loss because you can't open your mind to it yet! The next stage is the hardest in a way. Where people get on with their lives, time has gone by and you are left with a world of loneliness, confusion and anger. This is where you need the most support. If anyone is reading this I want you to take this away with you for your memory bank...the initial phase is important, support is needed and if often given in abundance, but it's in the weeks, maybe months that follow which require the most support!

I am no stranger to grief, this is not the 'counsellor' in me talking, it's experience. I feel like I've been down this road far too often and I am tired. I am exhausted on so many levels and I am angry on so many others. Life is so fragile. One thing all this has taught me is to really learn about who I am. To appreciate the gifts that are your loved ones and to trust in my own strength to get through this. I am so grateful for the support I have been given a long the way and know that the people closest to me in my true hours of need are the people who saved me, who gave me back my life. Mary was one of those people and I will never ever forget what she did for me. She held my hand through the good, bad and ugly, she taught me so many lessons, shared her family with me and gave me a sense of belonging, she never gave up on me. If I could be half the person she was, my life will be one to be proud of.

The song I have chosen for Mary is 'Thank You' by Bon Jovi and the lyrics are perfect.
May you finally be at peace Mars, your beautiful soul lives on in all of us! XXX

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

My puppy Toby

This is my beautiful puppy!
He looks a bit scraggley here but he is the love of my life! He was in the coloured balls when he went to puppy kinder:)

Having a snuggle with my partner! My 2 favourite boys! XXXX

I miss chocolate

Top of the mornin' to ya:)

Well I gave up on the Slimm shakes, good lord did I starve, not a good idea if you want to have energy to get on with your day, so the diet has been revamped!

It is all about healthy eating, less carbs (none at night) and smaller portions now! Its going well except I think my body is still in starvation mode so have not lost any weight yet, that and it's only been five days! I was concerned about the shakes for this reason though, as your body goes into survival mode it will just store whatever you put into it, not ideal! So after three days of shakes its healthy eating all the way! The one problem that will always rear it's ugly head is my sweet tooth! I love chocolate and cakes and naughty things and treats! This is where the challenge lies. But as they say on 'The Biggest Loser' willpower is like a muscle, the more you exercise it, the stronger it gets! So it is getting a workout I tell ya!

Also, why do they always put the damn chocolate ads on at around 9pm? I will tell you, because that's when suckers like myself would readily dive into the screen and bathe in the chocolate fountain! Clever tactics for them, painful for the likes of me! There is one particular ad here in Melbourne that truly tests me! It is advertising mini Flake bites (I love Flakes) and it is this little doll house and they roll out the choc in this cute little pasta making machine and pick it up with these tiny tweezers! Adorable, delicious and intriguing! What a nightmare!

So that's the story of my diet! Will keep you posted if I shed any of the winter bulge and if I stop salivating over stupid ads! Grrr....

Monday, 7 November 2011

A three year tribute

Well today has not been an easy one let me tell you! It is three years since my beloved grandmother died and I still feel quite raw about it all to be honest. I think it is because I live with a lot of guilt and regret surrounding her last hours. I wish I had said things I didn't and wish I hadn't been so out of my depth and unsure how to handle things. I know rationally that I am human and I did the best I could in the frame of mind I was in but how I wish I could have a few last moments to say some things I would like to say now!

When my mum passed away my Gran became everything to me. If it weren't for her I wouldn't be where I am today and I don't think I can ever thank her enough. I appreciate all the small things more then ever now and I know it is cliché but this is a really important lesson. Life is too short. Moments that seem trivial have great influence and importance in hindsight and we never know which moments are the important ones until they have passed! I guess it's easy to beat yourself up about things when looking at it in a different frame of mind, after time, healing, distance and experience. That said, the feelings are still there and just as strong! There have been tears today and that is not a bad thing.

I think the thing with grief is that is never goes away, you just learn to live with it. I look at the 7 years without my mum and the 3 without Gran and wonder how the time flew like this, how I made it through when I never would have imagined I could and how much it can still hurt me at times! That's life eh! It goes on whether you are ready or not. I just feel grateful that I got to learn so much and am able to carry the love with me in every precious moment. I am grateful for my partner, friends and family for being the strength within my strength and I know that there are two very bright lights burning within me!

Thank you Granny, for your love, care, support, wisdom, honesty and just for sharing your life with me! R.I.P.

Saturday, 5 November 2011

Day three of our diet

Happy Sunday!

Well I thought I would spend a few words updating the diet log! I must say in terms of hunger and cravings things are going well. Stuck to it well and tried my hand at a gorgeous Asian inspired soup last night. It was fun to make and uses so many ingredients I have never even attempted to buy let alone use so I was quite chuffed with myself! My partner was happy and is excited about my new culinary adventure spirit:)

I have been getting over flu though so was feeling very run down yesturday and had a headache that persisted all day! They do say that as your body starts dipping into fat reserves you will initially feel lethargic and have headaches so wrote it off as normal and am happy to note that I am full of beans today health wise. Taking it easy though due to healing from illness but the motivation levels are still high! Had an orange with my breakfast shake and 12 almonds for 10 am snack!

My partner and I took Toby our puppy for a long walk yesturday so that may have also contributed to the whole feeling weak thing! My body has had a bit of a shock I must say but I am confident I will feel better and better the longer I go eating fresh fruit, nuts, protein and veg, limiting my portions and exercising! This is a lifestyle change for me and I really want to start putting the right things into my body! Summer is pretty much here, my new tankini I ordered online is on its way and I am excited to feel good about beach trips, swimming and lapping up the beautiful Melbourne summer!
Enjoy the last day of the weekend!

Friday, 4 November 2011

Living in the moment

So after the first year of Masters done and dusted, I have been doing a lot of reflecting on the year, what I have learn't and what has stood out to me:)
I don't know if Carl Rogers is known to you but in the counselling realm he is HUGE! He pioneered person-centred counselling which is the basis for many humanistic counsellors such as myself! I want to share a few of his philosophies because they are truly gems! The first and most important thing Rogers believed is that all humans strive towards the light. He uses the famous 'potato analogy' where no matter how dark and buried it is, it will always grow towards the light. He believed humans were the same and that we are all inherently good.

He later defined what are now called 3 core conditions. These I found, are just as useful in everyday life and can change you as a person the more you implement them into your life and relationships. The first is empathy. This is the ability to 'walk in someone else's shoes' so to speak and is different from sympathy. That is because we often sympathise with people and are constantly relating what people are going through to our own lives. This in turn creates a form of judgement and assumption which is not necessarily bad but it can cloud the ability to fully understand what a person is saying and going through. Empathy is a beautiful thing. The reason for it is that you learn about a person from their experience, not yours and by doing so allow them to feel understood and heard! An extremely powerful tool!

The second is congruence. This is a fancy word for 'realness' or being 'genuine'. So important! When you interact with people and are yourself, in whatever frame of mind that may be, it will make a person feel more trusting towards you. You in turn will feel more at ease because you are comfortable being who you are and that has a ripple effect of comfort if you get my drift. For instance, in a counselling setting it would be ok to admit that you are not clear about something, or confess that what someone is saying is giving you a tight feeling in your chest etc. Its about being able to be honest and disclose information as well as being true to yourself, your expressions, questions and conversation. This is exactly the same in everyday life. When we are honest and real, people respond well most of the time.

The last and what I feel is the most important in counselling and the trickiest in life is 'unconditional positive regard'. This is where you allow people to feel and experience whatever they are going through without judgement. You validate their feelings by showing understanding, you do not give advice and criticism and you do this by being curious, really listening and using the other 2 conditions mentioned above.

All of the conditions can feel extremely difficult if someone is saying and doing something that goes against your own value system, that rubs you up the wrong way or is simply 'the wrong thing to do in your opinion'. But the important thing to remember, and that I have gained from Rogers, is that we all experience things in our own way. What may be right to you may not be right to someone else. It is not your job to fix someone or take on the responsibility for someone's life (huge lesson). People need to find and own their own autonomy, which is key in person-centred practice and something dearest Dr Phil could use a refresher course in:) There is power in empowerment and change comes through our own awareness and understanding. You can be a tool in order to help someone make sense of their life or issue, but when you try to make sense of it for them, it may give you a sense of satisfaction but will not illicit that powerful sense of autonomy, change, empowerment and comfort that happens when you get their for yourself!

Powerful stuff hey!

Thursday, 3 November 2011

Day One of my Slimm diet

Good Day Mates:)

So my partner and I have decided to burn the winter KG gain and have started on Slimm shakes! We replace brek and lunch with a shake and have snacks in between and a normal healthy dinner at night! This is 6 days out of the week! I am pumped and really happy that the choc shakes I have taste awesome, like a choc milkshake! I must say it is difficult to say how hard it will be as this is the first morning but I am positive at this stage!

The goal, besides weight loss, is to start training my body to eat less and enjoy healthy foods more than junk! I have heard people who eat predominantly healthily say that they actually can't stomach crap food anymore, like fried stuff etc, so here's hoping! I have a ridiculously sweet tooth so the challenge for me is to change this bad lifestyle to something fresh, organic and energetic! We plan to exercise too, get back into gym and walk our puppy more! So this is the plan and hopefully it will keep being an upbeat experience!

Will keep you posted!
Happy Friday:)

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

SAFFA girl Down Under

It's always hard to start typing when you have no idea what your niche is and if you have anything of interest to say!
I tried to think of something purposeful, like in the movie Julie and Julia where Julie blogs about finishing all of the recipes in Julia Child's recipe book in a year and all her adventures achieving this goal. But alas it seems to be just me, writing to who knows, and thinking 'this is great'!

I am a South African born and raised. Before you ask, no I am not racist and I was very young when the Apartheid was going down. I am ashamed to say that I was blissfully unaware of all the hardship. Growing up 'white' in a country like mine is very controversial. But enough about that, I think if we are going to get the stereotypes out of the way, I strive to be diverse and understanding of all people and I have spent a lot of brain power studying culture in my psychology degree because if anything I would very much love to have a greater, open-minded understanding of cultural difference.

I have some travelling, I spent two years on a working holiday visa in London before coming to Australia. That was where I met my Australian Boyfriend! My visa was going to run out and we decided to come to Melbourne (South Africa was the other choice) but I managed to get into a fabulous course and here we are! The down with his folks! The up side, no rent and free food! The challenge, keeping my sanity and putting up with his mum's AWFUL singing voice that seems to have no off button! The plus side, being very much a part of a very generous, supportive family! The pro's and cons could go on for days but il leave it at that for now:)

So in a nutshell, here I am, no niche to write about, a wad of useless dribble to talk about and a brand new blog account with which to vent the dribble!
Have an AMAZING day!